Sunday, July 17, 2011

DownTown Fort Myers

I’ve lived in the Cape for several years now and I can count on one hand how many times I’ve visited downtown Fort Myers, which was almost always for a business reason or simply passing through to get to another destination. If I had to choose one area that I feel the most comfortable in this area it would be Centennial Park. It offers a great area to spend with my family and also the long length of the river viewable from this vantage point is beautiful. With the setting of Downtown Fort Myers so close to water it does not give off an overwhelming feeling of being an urban jungle. The city council has obviously put a lot of thought into restoring and keeping the old fashioned beauty. There are many beautiful palms placed around the district along with other plant life, and this distracts from the boxed in feeling that I get sometimes when I’m in a city environment.

The parking situation depends on what time or which days you visit the area. On the weekends daytime it can be pretty easy to find some parking space, but I’ve also come to some of the government buildings during the workweek and finding a close parking spot with a meter is sometimes impossible. The courthouse has its own parking lot, and then there is the parking garage which I do not know how much it is to park there since I’ve never used it. I think the largest need for parking is with the government buildings during the day, and I assume weekend nights for the people visiting the clubs.

I remember on previous trips through downtown Ft. Myers I would notice the number of shops that were closed down or the vacated areas. Now it seems that there is a strong goal throughout the city to open as many unique shops that will draw in more tourist and resident shoppers. I think most of the tax money is going towards reconstruction rather than growth. The downtown area is not large, and not a lot of space is available to expand. There is a lot of beauty in the area, in the old buildings, and a majority of these have been restored or are in the process of being restored. The majority of the residential dwellings are on the 2nd floors above shops, and these are also being restored to bring back the beauty.

I did not observe very much graffiti, but with the courthouse and jail in close proximity I would imagine this would be the deterrent. I have never notice too many homeless people in the area, but from living here and talking to some of the homeless I understand that they keep out of sight a majority of the time. There is a soup kitchen in close proximity to downtown Ft. Myers. 

I would consider coming during the day to this area for family time and I know my wife would enjoy visiting the shops. I do not think there is a terrible threat coming downtown after dark like other cities, but I do not know of any reason than the club life which I am not very much into. As for living here, I would definitely say no. I have no desire to live in a city. I enjoy the privacy of my single family home, without a neighbor on the other side of the wall to worry about. And the beauty of having a backyard with a swing set for my daughter, and a grill for me.

I do not think that there are many improvements that are needed in the area that the city is not already striving to complete. In regards to sustainability, there was not much but a recycling bin on the streets. Which I imagine that it is the resident and business owners responsibility to recycle on their own. The city does try to include trees, etc. so it is not only a big block of cement, brick and stone. 

The rebound effect of energy

The title of this article rightly puts the blog Energy and Green Power, but as a friend told me recently, this has more to do with the way people think, and so now we are reading here.
According to a recent study, carbon footprints and the fight to stop global warming have been successful, but not enough. If people only know what they are doing, the results can even be ten times better.

The search for cleaner fuels and cheaper cars have been rewarding so far.There are now more environmentally friendly cars on the road 5 years ago. Still, air pollutants continue to contribute as one of the greatest health dangers of today and shows no signs of slowing.

This is the so-called rebound effect Energy. The name sounds like we should blame trade and science, but as a matter of fact, the only culprit is far less than we, the consumers.

Energy Rebound effect puts it: You help the environment and your pocket book by driving a car powered by a clean and cheap fuel, but that invites you to drive more than usual. Save more money because of fuel costs less, also spend more on other things that produce greenhouse gas emissions, such as consumer electronics, cruises and flights of air that burns more fuel than its fuel-efficient car.

That paradox is ignored by proponents of green, green side always saying that you are winning, then there is no reason to discuss and rethink their strategies.

But experts look at it differently. For years, studies on human behavior showed that while men tend to support a trend that promotes a better life, the results of more pronounced rebound in numbers.

And if recent statistics are based on, the experts seem to be right. Pollutants from cars have fallen dramatically over the past three years, but the dangerous parts of ships and planes more than quadrupled over the same period. It's like winning a battle, on the one hand, while a war is rising on the other.

Light green. Dynamo flashlights.

In terms of lights, we all know how important they are. Nobody doubts that without light nothing we could do from within the sun is the light of day until every human inventions that we had to do to us that light at night or in dark environments.

Sometimes what has happened, if not most of the time, is that these inventions do not accompany the ecological care of the world.

The issue happens by the will to do things that contribute to the whole system,without going into too much detail, only now I'll give an example.

I have at home a dynamo flashlight that works, for those of you who do not know what a dynamo flashlight is a flashlight that is powered by hand-cranked dynamos or electromagnetic induction. To be more clear, it does not use batteries to operate.

Mine has three sets of lights, and it works underwater. Just give him back his small handle, you can hear how it turns into a small system that is self powered and provides energy as light.

A minute turns, allows 20 minutes of good light and if you care, you can have light for the rest of your life without finding yourself in trouble when the batteries run out.

The flashlight was a gift to me from a genius at these things (my wife)  that remembered that I love the light in any form and / or manner.

And there it is the dynamo flashlight that despite being green and many believe that green is ugly, a beautiful form and aesthetic vision and light despite its small engine or generator.

The only recommendation from whom the gift  came to my hands was not charging when on, because its small engine could be damaged.

Almost a year ago that I have and I've never been without power for almost 9 times to tell the truth and sometimes even falls a bit light, given one or two twists and turns in the best light to exist for everyone and all situations .

Dynamo flashlights to light are certainly healthier than the world cares.

Environmentally friendly Roofs

Today, it seems that nothing is spared by the green phenomenon. Offices or homes that are regular, there is an obvious considerable effort dedicated to sustainable living.

In a way, is a happy fact that people are increasingly aware. People nowadays seem to deviate from the typical ideologies of the industrial age and learned that all resources are exhausted for when not used properly. This includes and our environment, a resource that has been very rewarding for us all.

However, given the youth of this movement, it is understandable that green technology is not well adapted enough to replace conventional technology we have. Is still more costly and inconvenient, financially speaking, at the present time. In the near future will be more affordable. Of course.

Fortunately, there are still some things we can all do to save the environment at this time. Some are even unthinkable until someone brings it up. Include the use of white on its roof. Watch this video to Energy Secretary Steven Chu discuss the benefits of white roofs and light colored pavements.

The idea is quite simple, really. Having light-colored paint for roofs and sidewalks, the building where they are reflecting the light thrown on it, which makes the cooler interior. Therefore, there is less need for air conditioners, which in turn, reduce electricity costs and emissions of greenhouse gases.
What is important to note here is that there is no difference between white and black paint when it comes to price. You have the opportunity to reduce costs and ultimately save the environment. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain.Maybe it's time to turn your home or office color roof for something lighter now.

Eco Farm in North Carolina

Eco traditional farms sell their products to the general public, local markets and restaurants with the hope of creating a client base constantly expanding and at the same time promoting organic farming methods, the defense of healthy communitiesand the environment environment.

A perfect example of organic farming and community supported agriculture (CSA) is the aptly named Eco Farm in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Eco Farm has been modest crop production since 1995 and selling its products to stores, restaurants, farmers markets and directly to the public through their CSA.

From the ground became the first Eco Farm, there have been more than seventy different types of vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers.

Besides fresh produce, the farm has diversified the range of agricultural crafts, hand-woven clothing, firewood and a Greek vegetarian cookbook.

Organic farm is completely natural, without pesticides and completely organic. Eco Farm name comes from the owners' personal beliefs regarding the positive relationship between humans and the environment and the practical management of land resources.

Partners Cindy and John have owned the farm and coordinated efforts from the beginning.

Cindy joined the local farmers market in 1994 as an artist. Slowly add mint and tomatoes for your offering as a tribute to his farm rural education.

John had no gardening experience to grow as a young man. It was not until he moved to North Carolina and suffered a series of physical and emotional problems that John started spending more time caring for their land.

Increased their crop yields and ultimately felt they had enough produce to eat and sell. When they realized they were totally self-sustaining, John quit his job, bought a tractor and became a full-time farmer.

Today, John manages Eco Farm with the help of employees and volunteers. They raise vegetables, fruits, herbs and animals. Cindy tend crops of flowers and cooking for family and friends.

Please visit their site below and join the cause!! 

Organic Wine: Wineries of Washington

In light of a series of environmental problems, many in the U.S. wine industry are moving away from agricultural practices, pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Friendly agricultural ecological environment, sustainable and biodynamic are at the forefront.

Washington wineries are the vanguards of this movement. They are the development of green plants, vines and sustainable business practices environmentally sound.

Did you know that takes eight gallons of water to produce one gallon of wine? Washington farmers are realizing that they play an important role in the impact of water quality and resources in the state.

Not only chemicals used in agriculture on groundwater final and natural sources of water, overwatering is a burden on the state's water resources. The salmon industry is concerned about the worrying decline in fish populations from irresponsible farming practices.

Several wineries in Washington are looking for Salmon-Safe certification, which recognizes the vineyards adopting practices that protect water quality, wildlife habitat and watershed health.

These conservation measures to help restore salmon habitat by planting native vegetation and trees along rivers and streams, the introduction of cover crops to control runoff and preventing erosion and the application of insecticides natural pesticides to control weeds and insects.

A tour of the wine region of Washington State illustrates first hand these practices important crop.

Wineries and vineyards on Red Mountain are leading the charge in the organic wine. Hightower Cellars has its own heritage vines on 11 acres and have begun the conversion of a stable of horses in a warehouse.

The Real Hedges Family practices what is known as biodynamics. Biodynamic farming includes the traditional practices of organic farming and integrated development with the use of fermented herbal preparations and minerals such as compost additives and field sprays.

Sustainability in winemaking is a trend in the industry whose main thrust is for all producers to be good stewards of the land and the environment.
A toast to those who are opening doors for others in the Washington wine industry.


The solar-powered plane defies the night

The news I read just recently changed my things in my head. As far as theimagination of man and woman? What is the limit? The sky is no longer obviously.

The sun does this invention based on novels and myths created by the incomparable magic of Jules Verne.

Who would have thought 100 years ago that today I can from my house to write this and send it with a small gadget to the world.

This time the wonder of creativity comes from a friend who tells me about this solar plane energy that defies the night and monopolies who do everything based on oil.

Are we unknowingly witnessing a new and economical way air transportation?

We are again in the nineteenth century sort of speak, the era of inventions that revolutionized our daily lives and society as a whole: the telephone, electricity, automobiles.

Jules Verne predicted in his novels about traveling to the moon, the submarine, by talking about things that were then in reality, and others not, but that populated the imagination of youth as the Floating Island and the Journey to center of the Earth.

A Swiss inventor, Bertrand Piccard, who became famous for having been around the world nonstop in a balloon in 1999 - another feat reminiscent of Jules Verne -built a solar-powered airplane.

The device of enormous scale, as A340, but very light, just 800 pounds, has propellers driven by electric motors batteries. These are charged by photovoltaic cells that capture sunlight.

Now off to try to stay on the air 24 hours, to challenge the night depriving it of its food, and try to live off the energy stored in its batteries during the day.

The plane is called Solar Impulse. Well, good for the momentum of the sun that encourages me to fly beyond anything imagined.