Sunday, July 17, 2011

Eco Farm in North Carolina

Eco traditional farms sell their products to the general public, local markets and restaurants with the hope of creating a client base constantly expanding and at the same time promoting organic farming methods, the defense of healthy communitiesand the environment environment.

A perfect example of organic farming and community supported agriculture (CSA) is the aptly named Eco Farm in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Eco Farm has been modest crop production since 1995 and selling its products to stores, restaurants, farmers markets and directly to the public through their CSA.

From the ground became the first Eco Farm, there have been more than seventy different types of vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers.

Besides fresh produce, the farm has diversified the range of agricultural crafts, hand-woven clothing, firewood and a Greek vegetarian cookbook.

Organic farm is completely natural, without pesticides and completely organic. Eco Farm name comes from the owners' personal beliefs regarding the positive relationship between humans and the environment and the practical management of land resources.

Partners Cindy and John have owned the farm and coordinated efforts from the beginning.

Cindy joined the local farmers market in 1994 as an artist. Slowly add mint and tomatoes for your offering as a tribute to his farm rural education.

John had no gardening experience to grow as a young man. It was not until he moved to North Carolina and suffered a series of physical and emotional problems that John started spending more time caring for their land.

Increased their crop yields and ultimately felt they had enough produce to eat and sell. When they realized they were totally self-sustaining, John quit his job, bought a tractor and became a full-time farmer.

Today, John manages Eco Farm with the help of employees and volunteers. They raise vegetables, fruits, herbs and animals. Cindy tend crops of flowers and cooking for family and friends.

Please visit their site below and join the cause!! 

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