Sunday, July 17, 2011

Environmentally friendly Roofs

Today, it seems that nothing is spared by the green phenomenon. Offices or homes that are regular, there is an obvious considerable effort dedicated to sustainable living.

In a way, is a happy fact that people are increasingly aware. People nowadays seem to deviate from the typical ideologies of the industrial age and learned that all resources are exhausted for when not used properly. This includes and our environment, a resource that has been very rewarding for us all.

However, given the youth of this movement, it is understandable that green technology is not well adapted enough to replace conventional technology we have. Is still more costly and inconvenient, financially speaking, at the present time. In the near future will be more affordable. Of course.

Fortunately, there are still some things we can all do to save the environment at this time. Some are even unthinkable until someone brings it up. Include the use of white on its roof. Watch this video to Energy Secretary Steven Chu discuss the benefits of white roofs and light colored pavements.

The idea is quite simple, really. Having light-colored paint for roofs and sidewalks, the building where they are reflecting the light thrown on it, which makes the cooler interior. Therefore, there is less need for air conditioners, which in turn, reduce electricity costs and emissions of greenhouse gases.
What is important to note here is that there is no difference between white and black paint when it comes to price. You have the opportunity to reduce costs and ultimately save the environment. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain.Maybe it's time to turn your home or office color roof for something lighter now.

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