Sunday, July 17, 2011

The solar-powered plane defies the night

The news I read just recently changed my things in my head. As far as theimagination of man and woman? What is the limit? The sky is no longer obviously.

The sun does this invention based on novels and myths created by the incomparable magic of Jules Verne.

Who would have thought 100 years ago that today I can from my house to write this and send it with a small gadget to the world.

This time the wonder of creativity comes from a friend who tells me about this solar plane energy that defies the night and monopolies who do everything based on oil.

Are we unknowingly witnessing a new and economical way air transportation?

We are again in the nineteenth century sort of speak, the era of inventions that revolutionized our daily lives and society as a whole: the telephone, electricity, automobiles.

Jules Verne predicted in his novels about traveling to the moon, the submarine, by talking about things that were then in reality, and others not, but that populated the imagination of youth as the Floating Island and the Journey to center of the Earth.

A Swiss inventor, Bertrand Piccard, who became famous for having been around the world nonstop in a balloon in 1999 - another feat reminiscent of Jules Verne -built a solar-powered airplane.

The device of enormous scale, as A340, but very light, just 800 pounds, has propellers driven by electric motors batteries. These are charged by photovoltaic cells that capture sunlight.

Now off to try to stay on the air 24 hours, to challenge the night depriving it of its food, and try to live off the energy stored in its batteries during the day.

The plane is called Solar Impulse. Well, good for the momentum of the sun that encourages me to fly beyond anything imagined.


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