Friday, July 15, 2011

Tsunamis. Chile and Japan, the same pain.

Remember that about a year ago there was a massive earthquake in Chile which was then followed by tsunamis.
According to reports, it appears that the authorities suspected some things but not reported not to cause alarm.

I find it incredible that generate alarm for insignificant things but for reasons which killed hundreds of people "prefer not to cause alarm."

A Chilean friend, Carlita, got a hold of an amateur video showing images of how her village was razed.

She says she cried until she could not anymore. She prays for this tragedy to not happen anymore.Now Japan goes through something similar and I already had seen that they are circulating horrifying video of the facts demonstrating nature's fury. It seems incredible that such things happen to people like us, that is, one you think everything is so far, but when you see pictures or hear someone speak of the place with so much pain as does Carlita, you feel at that twinned feeling of suffering and becomes part of the whole.

It is obvious that nature can not control, but if you can be and is not uncontrolled. As for what I have understood all these terrible things are happening we have created us with our irresponsible and immature behavior to the world. After the damage was done is in the hands of the authorities and save to take care of our own catastrophe. Although I assure you that those who have died and disappeared in these giant waves or those earthquakes are not just those directly responsible for environmental pollution ... you understand me. I paid for the sins.

Friends, a year ago was the brother and beloved country of Chile, is now in Japan, foreign to me, but I guess it is not unusual at the time of pain.

It's time to face our responsibility and awareness. If we start today we can to prevent a tidal wave this morning knocking on your door with the greatest of furies.

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