Sunday, July 17, 2011

The rebound effect of energy

The title of this article rightly puts the blog Energy and Green Power, but as a friend told me recently, this has more to do with the way people think, and so now we are reading here.
According to a recent study, carbon footprints and the fight to stop global warming have been successful, but not enough. If people only know what they are doing, the results can even be ten times better.

The search for cleaner fuels and cheaper cars have been rewarding so far.There are now more environmentally friendly cars on the road 5 years ago. Still, air pollutants continue to contribute as one of the greatest health dangers of today and shows no signs of slowing.

This is the so-called rebound effect Energy. The name sounds like we should blame trade and science, but as a matter of fact, the only culprit is far less than we, the consumers.

Energy Rebound effect puts it: You help the environment and your pocket book by driving a car powered by a clean and cheap fuel, but that invites you to drive more than usual. Save more money because of fuel costs less, also spend more on other things that produce greenhouse gas emissions, such as consumer electronics, cruises and flights of air that burns more fuel than its fuel-efficient car.

That paradox is ignored by proponents of green, green side always saying that you are winning, then there is no reason to discuss and rethink their strategies.

But experts look at it differently. For years, studies on human behavior showed that while men tend to support a trend that promotes a better life, the results of more pronounced rebound in numbers.

And if recent statistics are based on, the experts seem to be right. Pollutants from cars have fallen dramatically over the past three years, but the dangerous parts of ships and planes more than quadrupled over the same period. It's like winning a battle, on the one hand, while a war is rising on the other.

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